Wednesday 30 March 2011

Analysis/Representation of the Star - Jack Bowden

The first time you properly see Jack he is in the pub, sat around a table with the rest of the City Lightz boys. He is represented as just a normal teenage boy, at the pub having a laugh with his friends. You can see that he's not always looking at the boys, instead he is distracted by someone, and the lyrics aid you with this realisation.
When he pushes Carl away (in the pub), Jack is represented as being quite protective, he knows what he want and he doesn't want anyone to get involved or in the way, or anyone else to have it. This part of the music video, also shows Jacks funny side as you could see it as a way of making the girl laugh in order to get her attention.

In the performance Jack is represented as a leader. He is at the front of a large-ish hall and is stood in front and in the middle of the rest of his band members, showing that as the frontman and lead singer of the band he is of a high importance.
Although he is in a popular band and has lots of girls interested in him, he isn't at all arrogant or bigheaded. Instead Jack takes everything in and is just cool about everything that happens with him.

Jack isn't represented as a typical guy that you see in music videos. The majority, in my personal opinion, come across as being quite arrogant and a charmer, and always having luck with the ladies, while our music video is more realistic in the representation of men trying to win over women.

Analysis of Jack - singing the lyrics helps the narrative to flow, instead of only having him sing in the performance. Jack is a theatre studies student, which has helped with the acting side of the performance. Little acting is used as the majority of the video is just the boys being natural and acting in the same way that they always act with each other.

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